Friday 26 October 2012

Bird Mobile

I had come across this template for a bird in one of my friends sewing book and as we have two babies, in the family, due in the near future, I decided to make my first bird mobile.

I found, in a charity shop, a baby lamp shade so I sacrificed the large ring to make my mobile.  

I cut out the template, making sure I had a few.

I then cut out different fabrics using the templates, including wadding ensuring I had 24 sides to make 12 birds.  I sewed the wings on with a zigzag stitch, using this to also attach the wadding.

Once I had done this with all 24 sides, I attached the birds right side to right side and sewed them leaving a small opening to enable me to turn them right side out.  I hand sewed the opening, adding ribbon for them to dangler by and made eyes using a sequin and a bead on both sides.

To finish the mobile I hand sewed ribbon around the hoop, setting the birds in place and did the same across the hoop, leaving extra ribbon to allow for hanging.  I am very pleased with my first attempt and I may make another for the other baby


  1. I'm pleased with it and I think I'll make another for my great nephew xxxxxxxx
