Wednesday, 18 April 2012

One Door Closes Another Opens....Some Day

Well the day has finally arrived, the day I have been dreading for a long time.  I have been finished from work on incapacity....

I thought I would be sad, you know, similar to the empty nest syndrome....what is your role in you have a role anymore...what's the purpose of me being on this earth as I am no longer needed...tears fall and then: Enlightenment.  I am free to do what I want, when I want without having to take work into consideration.

I aim to spend my time creating my jewellery, quilting and visiting my friend Dreamer for lovely long weekends.  I may even take up my painting once again, something I have not done for a long while.....the worlds my oyster.


  1. Consider it early retirement and enjoy every minute :)
    Lots of roles left to fulfill; wife, mother, grandmother,sister,aunt, friend, homemaker, gardener :) and many more yet to be discovered - go and enjoy xx

  2. Thanks Dreamer, I intend to recreate a little of your paradise here, from the gardening to creating jewellery and quilted items. x x x
