Monday, 2 April 2012

Fruit, Fruit and Even More Fruit

 I am having a day of firsts today, the first time I have attempted to grow strawberries and the first time using a hanging basket to grow anything in.  On the advice of my gardener, who cares for my borders and lawn, I am growing the strawberries off the floor and away from the wall to stop the delightful slugs and snails having an all you can eat buffet. 

This is a cape gooseberry, another first.  I have never grown fruit before and I have always loved gooseberries.  What better way to have them, grown in your own garden and picked whenever you want them.  I have sent for some rice crumble from Approved Foods which I should be able to use to top my gooseberries as they are gluten free.

I have added crushed eggshells around the tenderest part of the plants as they are a good slug and snail deterrent.  I have slugs and snails in my compost bin, but I believe that they live and die in there and the eggs they lay die with them.  However, I am sure that they are coming over from next door because I have a constant battle with them.  

I have also sown some more tomato, gherkins and spring onions, the last two being firsts again. 


  1. Don't worry about the goosegogs, nothing much seems to bother them. Strawbs work well in the baskets just remember to net them when the berries come or the birdies will get them.

  2. I am looking for an old net curtain I can use for the strawbs because of the birds. Gardener says it has to be net curtain as netting bought from the shops are good enough as the birds will find their way in
