I have been in Scotland for a few days and someone gave my friend a bag of windfall apples. My friend decided to make apple butter (instructions to follow) and apple jelly and as I haven't made either of these before I was interested in the technique.
The apples were peeled and cored, and then chopped up, added to a slow cooker with sugar, cinnamon, small amount of water and nutmeg. This has to be left overnight to cook slowly.
Apple jelly is so economic, costs very little and is really lovely either as a jam or with pork or cold cuts. It is a very versatile preserve.
The peelings and cores were placed into a large pan and covered with water on a high heat. They were left, stirring occasionally until they were very soft and the fluid had started to reduce.
The apple mixture is then poured into a jam making stand with a large bag attached, over a large bowl and left to drip. Occasionally press the mixture down but DO NOT squeeze the bag as this makes the jam cloudy. When the mixture has ceased to drip, discard the peelings mixture and pour the liquid back into the pan a pint at a time.
Add a lb of sugar for ever pint of liquid. Then add 100 mls of lemon juice. Stir the mixture until the sugar has desolved and let it come to a rolling boil, stirring regularly.

Place a small plate or saucer into the fridge for a few moments until cool and spoon some of the jam onto it to see if it has reached setting point. You will know if the jam is set as it will wrinkle on the plate when you move it with your finger.
Ensure that your jars are steralised by putting them through a dishwasher cycle or heating them in an oven or microwave. Fill each of the jars and ensure that the lids are fastened very tightly. Be very careful as the jars will be very hot. The jam will be ready to eat in a couple of days and can be stored unopened in the a cool dark place for as long as you wish. We got 7 jars of apple jam out of the cores and peel of apples which is usually thrown away or composted. It cost just the price of 3lb sugar and some lemon juice.
Instructions for the apple butter to follow.
The apples were peeled and cored, and then chopped up, added to a slow cooker with sugar, cinnamon, small amount of water and nutmeg. This has to be left overnight to cook slowly.
Apple jelly is so economic, costs very little and is really lovely either as a jam or with pork or cold cuts. It is a very versatile preserve.
The peelings and cores were placed into a large pan and covered with water on a high heat. They were left, stirring occasionally until they were very soft and the fluid had started to reduce.
The apple mixture is then poured into a jam making stand with a large bag attached, over a large bowl and left to drip. Occasionally press the mixture down but DO NOT squeeze the bag as this makes the jam cloudy. When the mixture has ceased to drip, discard the peelings mixture and pour the liquid back into the pan a pint at a time.
Add a lb of sugar for ever pint of liquid. Then add 100 mls of lemon juice. Stir the mixture until the sugar has desolved and let it come to a rolling boil, stirring regularly.

Place a small plate or saucer into the fridge for a few moments until cool and spoon some of the jam onto it to see if it has reached setting point. You will know if the jam is set as it will wrinkle on the plate when you move it with your finger.
Ensure that your jars are steralised by putting them through a dishwasher cycle or heating them in an oven or microwave. Fill each of the jars and ensure that the lids are fastened very tightly. Be very careful as the jars will be very hot. The jam will be ready to eat in a couple of days and can be stored unopened in the a cool dark place for as long as you wish. We got 7 jars of apple jam out of the cores and peel of apples which is usually thrown away or composted. It cost just the price of 3lb sugar and some lemon juice.
Instructions for the apple butter to follow.
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